light of the world

You Are The Light of the World not the Light of the Church

Ability + Principles + Revelation = Light of the World

“You are the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden.” – Matthew 5:14.

As Christians, it’s easy to read this scripture and think of “the world” as a metaphor for those who do not identify as followers of Christ. Recently, I meditated on this passage and realized it holds a different, diverse, and deeper meaning, making me look beyond the norm.

What does light mean in this context?

Solution. Relevance. Impact.

In the quoted scripture, Jesus calls us to generate so much light that we impact the world. He’s calling us to global influence, saying the minimum impact a believer should have is that of a city on a hill — a beacon that stands out.

This revealed word is timely. I sense that God is raising a prophetic and apostolic generation that will declare God’s will and use their gifts and talents to bring multitudes into His kingdom. We are called to be the light of this dark and dying world. This task requires grace; we cannot do it with our own strength.

God wants to stream His glory through us so our generation can experience the God-flavors of His kingdom. He has called us to be an extension and a revelation of Himself to our world.



Ingredients to Lighting Up the World

Here are three key ingredients to help you shine a light capable of illuminating and lighting up the world:


These are the innate gifts and talents you were given at birth. They are termed, your natural abilities and are typically used to fulfill your life’s purpose and destiny. Many believers fail to harness these gifts, thinking, “I don’t need to take a public speaking class; I’m naturally good at it and can do it with my eyes closed.” This form of complacency can lead to being left behind in a constantly changing world. If you’re a writer, continuously study to improve until you’re the best in your field. Add something to your natural ability that makes you unique and stand out. For instance, if your talent is caring for people and you’re in medical school, add a unique touch — perhaps become the doctor who draws.

Create a unique category for yourself. You might say, “But I only have one talent.” Here’s my response: When Jesus fed the five thousand, he asked his disciples for food to test their faith. Only Andrew responded with some faith, saying, “Master, we have a boy with five loaves of bread and two fish.” How could this possibly feed five thousand people? But notice what happened next: Jesus blessed it, and it multiplied until there were 12 baskets of leftovers. When touched by the hand of God, even a seemingly simple gift, like encouragement, can become a platform that reaches millions and helps them find God through various life changes.


I once listened to a sermon by my spiritual father that completely changed my perspective on life. He said, “Success is an exact science.” This means that if you want to become the most prolific writer of your generation, all you have to do is follow the path carved out by those who came before you. If you dream of becoming the next Steve Jobs or Elon Musk, study and follow their steps. You can refine and adapt them to suit your life circumstances.

The success of great individuals is reflected in their stories. Jesus illustrated principles through the parables he shared in the Bible. These stories, though simple, carried deep wisdom and insight into navigating life. Follow the principles in the Bible, and you will never be lost or confused about the direction to take in pursuing your purpose.


Rhema represents God’s revealed word, a force that propels us to do extraordinary things. For example, the revelation I received to write this article made me realize that God has called us to impact the entire globe. The Lord expects us to have global influence. There is no risk of power failure when you become the light of a whole world. To be the light of the world, you must stay constantly connected to the source of light — God’s power through His Word.

Understanding your purpose will drive you to work the extra mile while others sleep. Your revelation of your role in the body of Christ will inspire you to spread the Gospel, whether your role is visible (like hands, legs, ears) or hidden (like the brain, stomach, spine). Rhema also means insight. Insight is one of the secrets to greatness. What do you know that others don’t? This unique knowledge can drive a man to pursue a vision that seems bigger than himself. What revelation from God’s word have you recently received concerning your life? Write it down, make it your screensaver, place it anywhere that constantly reminds you of the direction you are headed, and run with it. RUN AND DON’T LOOK BACK!

  • Don’t leave this earth without it feeling your impact.
  • Don’t become a valley of dead dreams and unrealized potential.
  • It is said, that the greatest room is the room for improvement. If you’re currently a flashlight, aim to become a spotlight. If you’re already a spotlight, strive to become a floodlight. And if you’re a floodlight, desire to become a light that illuminates the whole world.

Stop seeking relevance only within church walls. Go out and let the world see the God you know and serve; let them witness a display of His mighty power through the multiple abilities you possess. “All of creation waits eagerly for the manifestation of the sons of God.” — Romans 8:19. When you do, you will soon become that beacon of light that points humanity back to God.


Make a difference in someone’s life today.

“The future is not ahead of you; it’s trapped within you.” — Dr. Myles Monroe

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