Top Worship Songs You Should Add to Your Playlist in 2022

One way to experience God’s joy every day is to listen to uplifting worship songs. We don’t just mean slow “1/4” beat songs when we talk about worship songs. We mean songs that lead us to praise, adore, and magnify God.

Music is an essential tool that sets the tone for our relationship with God on several levels. For example, some folks pray better when certain songs play in the background. These songs serve as sources of encouragement as your drive through traffic, take a walk or workout at the gym.

The list of songs in this post will help you update your playlist. We have split them into different categories so you can pick them based on your preferences.


Worship Songs to Add to Your Playlist: Trending Songs

If you love to keep up with the trend, the songs in this category should do it for you. They are some of the most recently released worship songs available right now.

Worship Songs to Add to Your Playlist: Songs for Young Adults

The songs in this category are for young adults. If you fall into this category or have people around you who do, you should add them to your playlist.

Worship Songs to Add to Your Playlist: Contemporary Worship

Are you a lover of contemporary worship songs? Here are a few pieces you should download:

Worship Songs to Add to Your Playlist: Upbeat Songs

If you are a fan of upbeat worship songs, this list should excite you. Check out the songs below:

Worship Songs to Add to Your Playlist: For Kids

Do you have kids, or do you oversee a kid’s ministry? Here are some songs that you can introduce to your kids:


What do you think about the songs on our list? Do you have any others to add? Kindly drop them in the comments section below. Meanwhile, don’t forget to subscribe to GodKulture for exciting and insightful resources.

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