Peace Oni

“Only The Holy Spirit Can Tell You What Your Message Is” – Peace Oni, Christian Creative

Kingdom Agents is a GodKulture series that features Christians who are making use of their talents and gifts to influence their world for God’s glory. Peace Oni is a Christian creative popular for her portrayal of a pastor’s wife in her comedy skits. She employs subtle humor as her means of conveying salient gospel messages to her teeming social media and physical audiences. Aside from acting, she is also a speaker and writer. Join us as we converse with Peace in this piece.

Kingdom Agent Peace

Check out Peace Oni’s Instagram here.

Q. Please introduce yourself to us.

A. My name is Peace Oni. I write, act, speak, and build. You’ll generally find me promoting values related to faith in God, family, and peace of mind. I also want Christian creatives to succeed, and I have lived my life to constantly show what is possible. 

Q. What is your salvation story? How did you become a believer?

A. Born into a Christian home, I answered the altar call a couple of times before my Mum made me understand the first was enough. I started to build an actual relationship with God as a teenager though.


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A post shared by Peace Pelumi Oni (@thepeaceoni)

Q. What does communion with God mean to you?

A. Communion with God is a relationship – a deep awareness of God’s presence and actual engagement of His Person through the Holy Spirit.

Q. What is that scripture you have been meditating on recently?

A. The book of Job has been fascinating recently.

Q. What are some of the challenges you’ve faced while building your platform as a Kingdom Agent?

A. The first challenge was a lack of knowledge. I didn’t have anyone to direct me, so I was going out on a limb, trying this and that. Also, I lacked the funds and the technical know-how to raise funds. Finally, I had an identity crisis. I didn’t want to be labeled as a Christian anything, so I tried to blend in with others to avoid being labeled. I hoped this would bring me the followers, funds, and opportunities that I needed. It happened that being labeled was exactly what brought me all these.

Q. What advice do you have for anyone who wants to use their platform/gifts to glorify God?

A. My advice would be a total surrender to the Holy Spirit. Only Him can tell you what your message is. And you need a message before you get a platform.


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A post shared by Peace Pelumi Oni (@thepeaceoni)

Q. How can people reach you online?

A. I respond to ALL DMs on Instagram personally.

Q. What are you currently reading?

A. I’m reading “Dancing into the Anointing” by Aimee Verduzco Kovacs, and it is powerful stuff.

Watch out for more Kingdom Agents interviews on GodKulture.

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