
Embracing the Journey: From Self-Employed Entrepreneur to Serial Entrepreneur in the Making My Journey as a Self-Employed Entrepreneur

As I reflect on my journey, I am reminded of the incredible leaps of faith I have taken and the obstacles I have overcome. Starting my own coaching program was a dream that required not only vision but also relentless determination. Today, I proudly serve a growing clientele, guiding them toward achieving their goals through Cognitive Behavioral Coaching (CBC) techniques and habit formation strategies.

My journey doesn’t stop there. I am also pursuing further education to become the best Empowering Excellence in Resilience (EeR) Habit Coach Practitioner, focusing on demolishing the root causes of procrastination and empowering creative professionals. 

This dedication to learning and self-improvement is a testament to my commitment to excellence and desire to provide my clients the highest value. By incorporating EeR coaching techniques that promote self-awareness, emotion regulation, and Spirit-led discernment, I aim to help clients manage stress-related resistance and achieve transformative growth.

Launching Minimum Viable EeR Services (MVS) and Moving to Minimum Viable EeR Outcomes (MVO)

Initially, I focused on delivering Minimum Viable EeR Services (MVS) – essential coaching services that addressed my clients’ immediate needs, helping them recognize issues such as emotionally reactive decision-making, lack of productivity systems, and prioritization challenges. This approach allowed me to get started, learn, and adapt quickly. However, as my experience and understanding grew, I shifted my focus to producing Minimum Viable EeR Outcomes (MVO). This transition represents my commitment to meeting needs and driving tangible, impactful outcomes for my clients, such as increased self-awareness, better emotion regulation, and strategic habit formation. It’s about ensuring that every interaction and every service leads to meaningful progress and measurable success, empowering my clients to achieve their goals and transform their lives.


The Battle with Impostor Syndrome

Despite these accomplishments, I often find myself grappling with impostor syndrome. It’s a persistent voice that tries to convince me that I can’t be a “serial entrepreneur.” It tells me I don’t know enough that I lack the connections and alliances needed to build multiple successful ventures. This voice of doubt can be paralyzing, making me question my capabilities and my vision for the future.

Overcoming Doubts and Embracing Potential

To those who, like me, struggle with self-doubt and impostor syndrome, I want to encourage you today. It’s easy to let fear and uncertainty hold us back, but we must recognize that these feelings are part of the journey. We have the potential to be more than we ever imagined.

Overcoming doubts is not a one-time event but a continuous process. I remember a particular moment when I was preparing to launch my coaching program. The doubts were loud: “You’re not qualified enough,” “You don’t have the right connections,” “What if you fail?” But I chose to take one step at a time. I focused on the clients I had, on delivering value, and on learning and growing every day.

Impostor syndrome is a thief of dreams, but it can be silenced. According to research, up to 70% of people experience impostor syndrome at some point in their lives. It’s a common struggle among high achievers, but it’s important to remember that these doubts don’t define us. Instead, we should see them as a sign that we are pushing our boundaries and growing.

Where I Am vs. Where I See Myself

Currently, I am a self-employed entrepreneur, deeply involved in the day-to-day operations of my coaching business. My passion for creation and growth drives me, yet I envision a future where I evolve into a serial entrepreneur and business builder. I see myself creating and growing companies, delegating operations to trusted teams, and diversifying my ventures. I aim to take on an investor role, where I can continuously innovate and move on to new projects while ensuring that my businesses thrive independently.

Imposter syndrome

Practical Steps to Overcome Impostor Syndrome

  1. Acknowledge Your Feelings:

    • Recognize that impostor syndrome is common and that many successful entrepreneurs experience it.
    • Understanding that these feelings are normal can help diminish their power over you.
    • “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
  2. Celebrate Your Achievements:

    • Keep a record of your successes and refer to them when self-doubt creeps in.
    • Remind yourself of the value you’ve already created and the impact you’ve had on your clients.
    • “The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
  3. Seek Mentorship and Support:

    • Surround yourself with supportive mentors and peers who can offer guidance and encouragement.
    • Talking to others who have walked a similar path can provide valuable insights and reassurance.
    • “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 1:7
  4. Focus on Growth, Not Perfection:

    • Embrace a growth mindset and view challenges as opportunities to learn and improve.
    • Remember that perfection is not the goal; progress is.

Let’s Conquer This Together

If you find yourself doubting your ability to become a serial entrepreneur, remember that you are not alone. We all have moments of fear and self-doubt, but together, we can overcome them. Let’s team up and support each other in conquering these fears. I believe in our potential to build, grow, and innovate.

Habit Tracks for Busy Professionals

As an EeR Habit Formation Coach Practitioner, I understand the unique challenges busy professionals face. Here are realistic habit tracks designed to fit into demanding schedules:

For Self-Employed Entrepreneurs:

  1. Daily Reflection and Planning:

    • Spend 10 minutes each morning reflecting on your goals and planning your day.
    • Use a journal or digital planner to track progress and set intentions.
  2. Continuous Learning:

    • Dedicate 15 minutes each day to learning new skills or knowledge related to your business.
    • Listen to industry podcasts or read articles during your commute or breaks.
  3. Networking and Building Alliances:

    • Allocate time each week to reach out to potential mentors, collaborators, and clients.
    • Attend at least one industry event or engage in online communities monthly.

For Aspiring Serial Entrepreneurs:

  1. Strategic Delegation:

    • Identify one task each week that can be managed by others and delegate it.
    • Train and empower your team gradually to take on more responsibilities.
  2. Diversification and Innovation:

    • Schedule monthly brainstorming sessions to explore new business opportunities and markets.
    • Stay open to innovative ideas and be willing to take calculated risks.
  3. Investor Mindset:

    • Focus on creating value and scalable business models.
    • Seek investment opportunities and partnerships that align with your vision.

As we navigate the entrepreneurial journey together, let us remember:

“In every seed of doubt, there lies the potential for a forest of achievements. Embrace your journey, for within you is the power to build, grow, and conquer.”

— Essy 

The path of entrepreneurship is not easy, but it is incredibly rewarding. Let’s continue to strive for excellence, support each other, and believe in our potential to create and grow beyond our wildest dreams. Together, we can achieve greatness and transform our dreams into reality! 

Empowering Excellence in Resilience ( EeR ) 

Essy, Membership Director at GodKulture  & EeR Habit Coach Practitioner and Founder of the EeR magazine #ResilienceRevolutionMovement

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