
Justification: 5 Things You Should Know About Justification by Faith

God declares us legally free from sin through justification. He has delivered us from the curse of the law and brought us into a new dispensation of grace. Interestingly, many Christians haven’t come to the realization of their status in Jesus Christ. They still live with the stigma of sin and are bound to the dictates of the law. How sad.

This post intends to beam light on the id

The finished works of Christ on the Cross have justified us

ea of justification. We will share five things you should know about this subject as a Christian. 

Things you Should Know About Justification by Faith


Justification refers to being made righteous, right, or just. Genesis 3 makes it clear that we all fell with Adam and Eve, and Romans 3:23 buttresses this point. By ordinary human standards, none of us is perfect. However, Jesus Christ came to bear the price for our redemption, and this sacrifice has justified us. Here are five things you should know about justification by faith.

It is a biblical doctrine 

Many were introduced to the idea of justification by faith through the New Testament. What many don’t know is that it is a doctrine that is mentioned in both testaments. The first time we were introduced to this doctrine was in Genesis 15:6. This verse talks about Abraham believing in God and his faith being counted as righteousness.

David also mentioned this idea in Psalms 32:1. Isaiah prophesied the coming of God’s servant who will bear many’s iniquities in Isaiah 53:11. These are just a few examples of justification by faith in the Old Testament. Of course, different parts of the New Testament explain this doctrine further.

Works don’t justify us

Once upon a time, the only way to get justified was to obey the law. The challenge is that staying obedient wasn’t easy, and we were bound to default sooner than later. Ephesians 2:8-9 explains that we are not saved through our works but by God’s grace. God doesn’t want to share the glory of your justification with your ability to stay obedient to the law.

Paul teaches extensively that our faith in God and His grace justifies us. This doesn’t mean we don’t play a role in getting justified. The faith that we have in God is the part that we play in the justification process.

Good works flow from faith

The item mentioned above shows us that justification by faith doesn’t come from our works. As we said, it doesn’t mean that we don’t play a part still. Our faith bears certain fruits that cause us to display good works.

James takes this further by saying that our works complete our faith, and faith without works is dead. What works is James referring to here, works according to the law? No. If it were, He would contradict Paul’s teachings about justification by faith. Instead, he buttresses Paul’s point by showing that good works flow from faith when we are justified. 

Embattled doctrine

Justification by faith is one doctrine that has suffered much controversy within and outside Christianity. We can trace these controversies to when Paul first taught this doctrine. He had to face off with several false teachers who argued that non-Jewish Christians had to be circumcised.

Over the years, several questions have been asked about this doctrine, most of which refute the idea. This is quite discouraging because it seems like there is a conflict about this topic lurking at almost every turn. 

Brings glory to God

God’s ultimate design was to bring us closer to Him and bridge the gap created in Genesis 3. Jesus Christ came to play His part as the sacrifice, but we also have a role to play through our faith. Having faith in God’s design brings glory to His name.

He promised to justify us in Christ as long as we follow Abraham’s steps and believe in Him. Through this, we realize that our works of obedience do not bring us justification. In the end, it is through God’s grace that we are saved. The more we acknowledge this, the more the glory goes to God.


Justification by faith may be a controversial topic among Christians, but it is deeply rooted in our faith. God’s intention is for us to be justified, and He expects us to accept it with our hearts. This post has shown you five things you should know about this topic. Feel free to share others with us in the comments section. Meanwhile, take a few minutes to check out GodKulture today.

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