Happy New Year

Hi Friend,

Happy New Year! 2022 is here, and I’m so excited and expectant. I know that we are living in unprecedented times. Regardless of the uncertainties, I encourage you to release your faith for big things. God is still moving, and He is still healing. 

Our theme for 2022 is “Messiah.” The word Messiah means “The Anointed One,” and this year, we’ll be digging deep into what the anointing means. I believe that God has chosen, called, and consecrated you for a special work, and you cannot afford to lose track of that with all that’s happening around us. 

2022 will be a year of exponential growth, and it’s important for you to position yourself for it. Stay committed to spiritual and personal growth. You have to do all you can to stay focused in the midst of a global pandemic. 

We’ve put together a devotional, and the January edition is available for download. The MESSIAH devotional is a collection of writings to give you a fresh understanding of Christ the Anointed One and what it means to be anointed. Each month has been specially curated with a reading text, scriptures, and other powerful insights.

We hope you join us on this journey. We also launched our GodKulture App, and it’s available on iOS, and the Android version is coming this month. 

We’re truly excited about the community of visionaries gathering at GodKulture and looking forward to a year of impact.

Happy New Year.

Rotimi Kehinde

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