Connect with other Creatives

Add & Follow friends. Send Private Messages.

The GK Community is all about powerful connections and collaboration.

  • Inspire and learn from other creatives.
  • Have great conversations around common interests. 
  • Gather around devotionals and sermons.
  • Post to the public feed testimonies, prayer requests, life updates and more. 
  • Collaborate on community projects.
  • Share your feedback on other Creator’s posts and projects.

Your Own Virtual Command Center

Everything in our online community revolves around our members. You can customize your experience with fully editable profile fields. You also decide what details you want to share with others. From your profile, you get immediate access to groups you’re part of or forum discussions you’re engaged in. And no worries, only friends you’ve accepted can send you private messages.

Social/Interest Groups

The GK Online Platform allows members to gather in public, private or hidden social groups with connected activity feeds. You can be part of one or multiple groups. You can even suggest new groups and our admins will create them.

Lead a Group

Based on your engagement level, nominations, or Leader Points, members can become organizers or moderators within their groups. This gives them the ability to edit the group, post activity, or invite other members.

Forum Discussions

Conversations with Real People

Participate in discussion forums in a structured format. Every account in our community is vetted and approved by an admin. Talk to real people. No bots or spammers.

You can Post Photos and Emojis

Take your social conversations to the next level with media uploads and emojis. You can even express yourself with gifs.

Talk within your interest groups

Each group can create its own discussion forum or forums. These forums can be set to private so its accessible by only group members.

Feature Conversations & Special Guests

Every month, jump into special conversation events with a live panel with amazing guests.

Zoom Zoom Zoom!

Depending on your membership level, you can create and host Zoom meetings from social groups. Zoom video recordings can be placed in pages and courses. 

Dive into new lessons, ideas, and crafts. Connect with inspirational leaders around the world. Our interest groups also have zoom features which respects your group’s privacy so your content stays within your group.

Network Search

The GK Community is driven by purpose-driven, mission-minded members. We use powerful search algorithms to help you connect with people with shared interests. The portal also has a unified search bar that pulls from every part of the website.

Global, personal, and group feeds

Members with friendship connections can write on each other’s Walls and “Like” each other’s posts.

Email Notifications

Get email alerts and updates triggered by mentions, tags or other unique activities on the portal.

Tag friends with @mentions

Tag or mention friends in comments or reply directly on the activity wall or forum discussions.

Activity Feeds

The portal features personal and group activity feeds with threaded commenting and direct posting.

Attend or Host a Virtual Event

We also provide a phenomenal event calendar experience so you can RSVP in advance or register for special virtual events. Oh, and depending on your membership level,  you can create site-wide events or group only events for members.

Jobs & Business Referrals

Collaborate and team up on special projects. You can also post job opportunities and share referrals with other members. We think this is particularly important in this season.