
Creativity: A Divine Mandate for Today’s Christian Professional

“Being creative isn’t just an option for us—it’s a reflection of the divine blueprint within us.” – Essy Rodriguez

Hello there, fellow Christ-followers! Today, we’re embarking on a journey as invigorating as a cup of your favorite coffee or tea on a Monday morning. We’re diving into the realm of creativity—not as a mere extracurricular activity, but as a divine mandate and an essential aspect of our stewardship over God’s creation. Yes, you heard me right!

Creativity isn’t just a fun little side hustle or gig; it’s a calling straight from the Almighty. So, get comfortable, and let’s explore how creativity is woven into our spiritual DNA, making it an indispensable part of our professional and personal lives.

Creativity in Our DNA: The Divine Blueprint

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1-2 (NIV).

Right off the bat, we see that our God is the ultimate Creator. He didn’t just slap together a universe; He meticulously crafted it with astounding beauty and intricate detail. From the vastness of the galaxies to the delicate petals of a flower, everything reflects His boundless creativity.

If we’re made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), then it stands to reason that creativity is part of our spiritual DNA. We’re not just encouraged to be creative; we’re hardwired for it! Being creative isn’t just an option for us—it’s a reflection of the divine blueprint within us.

Parables of Professional Life

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of our daily lives. Have you ever tried to see your work as a parable? For me, each project, meeting, or task is a story waiting to unfold. I know what you may be thinking: “Essy, you have no idea what you’re talking about. The projects at my job are just transactional tasks.” Okay, I get it. But infuse a project, meeting, or task with creativity, and it becomes a story waiting to unfold. Take the time to sprinkle some of that creativity and watch how it turns the mundane into the magnificent. A spreadsheet can be a canvas. A presentation can be a performance. Your office desk? The center of innovation!

But let’s get real. How many of us have found ourselves staring at a blank screen, a cluttered desk, or a never-ending to-do list, thinking, “Lord, give me strength!”? Guess what? He already did! Philippians 4:13 (NIV) promises, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” That includes tackling challenges with a creative flair.

Biblical Evidence of Creativity

Throughout the Bible, we see countless examples of creativity in action. Consider the craftsmanship of Bezalel in Exodus 31:2-5 (NIV), where God says, “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills—to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze.” Bezalel’s creativity was a divine gift, enabling him to create beautiful, intricate designs for the Tabernacle.

Divine Selection and Empowerment

God specifically chooses Bezalel for a unique task, highlighting that creativity is not just a natural talent but a divinely assigned mission. It emphasizes that certain creative endeavors are part of a higher plan.

“Filled with the Spirit of God.” This phrase clearly states how Bezalel’s creativity is super naturally enhanced. It suggests that the Holy Spirit imbues him with extraordinary abilities, transforming his natural skills into exceptional craftsmanship.

The Gift of Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge

Bezalel is endowed with three critical attributes:

  • Wisdom: Practical skill and expertise in various crafts.
  • Understanding: The ability to discern and comprehend intricate details.
  • Knowledge: Intellectual awareness and proficiency in his work.

These qualities enable him to envision and execute complex artistic projects with precision.


Skills for Artistic Designs

  • All Kinds of Skills: Bezalel’s talents encompass a broad spectrum, including working with gold, silver, and bronze. This range of skills is essential for the diverse tasks required in the construction of the Tabernacle, indicating his versatility as a craftsman.
  • Artistic Designs: His work involves creating intricate and beautiful designs, reflecting a high level of creativity and aesthetic sensibility. These designs are not only functional but also serve to glorify God through their beauty.

Contributions to the Tabernacle

  • Tabernacle Construction: Bezalel’s primary task is the construction of the Tabernacle, a portable sanctuary that serves as God’s dwelling place among the Israelites. His craftsmanship ensures that the Tabernacle is both structurally sound and artistically magnificent.
  • Mentorship and Leadership: Bezalel leads a team of artisans, demonstrating leadership and the ability to mentor others. His collaborative efforts are crucial for the successful completion of the Tabernacle, showcasing the importance of teamwork in creative projects.

Broader Implications of Bezalel’s Creativity

  • Creativity as a Divine Gift: Bezalel’s story underscores that creativity is a gift from God. It is meant to be used for fulfilling divine purposes and contributing to spiritual and communal life.
  • Integration of Art and Faith: His work on the Tabernacle represents the integration of art and faith. It shows that artistic expression can enhance religious worship and reflect divine beauty.
  • Inspirational Model: Bezalel serves as an inspiration for artists and craftsmen. His story encourages individuals to pursue excellence in their creative endeavors and use their talents for a higher purpose.

Bezalel’s creativity, as described in the Bible, is a profound example of how divine inspiration can elevate human craftsmanship. His story illustrates that creativity is a gift from God, bestowed with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, to be used for sacred purposes. 

This narrative encourages the recognition of artistic talents as valuable contributions to spiritual life and divine creativity.

So, dear friends, let’s embrace our creative callings with the same zeal and dedication as Bezalel. Whether it’s at work, home, or in our communities, let’s use our God-given creativity to reflect His glory and bring a touch of divine beauty to the world around us!

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