Beyond Utopia

Beyond Utopia: New Documentary Highlights Story of Brave Pastor Who Rescued 1000+ North Koreans

A new documentary titled “Beyond Utopia” will be released in the theaters on November 3 by Fathom Events. According to CBN News, this documentary gives us insight into how a pastor saves more than a thousand people from North Korea. 

About Beyond Utopia


Beyond Utopia tells of the story of Pastor Sengeum Kim who has rescued over 1000 individuals from North Korea. In the film’s trailer, Kim said, “I’ve rescued over 1000 people since my son’s death 10 years ago.”

The documentary is stirring people from all over the world to take action as it presents the unbelievable challenges people face living in North Korea. It takes us on a journey of faith as Pastor Kim tries to rescue a family with videographers moving with them through four countries.

According to Rachel Cohen, producer of the movie, “It turned out to be a scarier situation than Pastor Kim anticipated or that we anticipated, but they as documentarians were completely game to go and document this journey.” 

Beyond Utopia also shows us the story of a North Korean mother who seeks to reunite with her son after fleeing the country herself. According to Soyeon Lee in the movie trailer, she said, “I  will save my son no matter what it takes.” 

When speaking to CBN News, Lee mentioned that she was going to pull out of the documentary after her son had been captured while trying to escape. He was taken to a North Korean prison afterward. According to Lee, she decided to continue with the documentary only after spending time praying about the situation.

Release Date

Beyond Utopia will be released by Fathom Events briefly between October 23 and 24. After this, the documentary will be released in the theaters on November 3. 

So far, the documentary has been viewed at different film festivals around the world. It has won a number of awards including the Audience Award for Best U.S. documentary at Sundance. It is considered a hopeful Oscar winner in the near future.

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